Anushah, I'm replying simply to inform you that your site works just fine,
in multiple browsers, with and without ad/script blockers in place, in
hopes to counteract the particularly unwelcoming email by Mr. Medcalf.

Minus a handful of smaller voices, you should hopefully find our community
to be more supportive.

Good luck on your research project.

-Ryan Landry

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 9:56 AM Anushah Hossain <>

> Hi all,
> My colleagues and I at UC Berkeley and the International Computer Science
> Institute are working on a project evaluating third-party blacklists. As
> part of that, we're interested in hearing how you utilize them, and what
> you perceive as their strengths and weaknesses. If you have five to ten
> minutes and are interested in sharing your thoughts, you can fill out our
> anonymous survey here, or respond to me directly off-list:
> There is also an option in the survey to opt-in to receiving a
> notification once the research is made public.
> Apologies if you received this message before! We've tried to minimize
> cross-posting as we realize several groups share members.
> Best,
> Anushah
> --
> Anushah Hossain, PhD Student
> Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley

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