On Thursday, 8 August, 2019 13:43, J. Hellenthal <jhellent...@dataix.net> wrote:

>Just as well as the proper signature divider in an email is actually
>“dash dash space”


>Site works just fine. Doubt javascript here is of any concern to
>anyone whatsoever.

>Just sayin

qualtics.com loads a blacklisted malicious tracker from itself.  The fact that 
it is the first party does not detract from the fact it is loading a malicious 
tracker and that the loading of that malicious tracking javascript is blocked.  
Blocking the tracker precludes the rest of the page from "working".

And yes, I know the sig seperator is -- (dash dash space).  Are you saying that 
my MUA is buggering it up again?

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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