On Tue, 01 Oct 2019 16:24:30 -0400, Warren Kumari said:

> "More concretely, the experiment in Chrome 78 will **check if the
> user’s current DNS provider** is among a list of DoH-compatible
> providers, and upgrade to the equivalent DoH service **from the same
> provider**. If the DNS provider isn’t in the list, Chrome will
> **continue to operate as it does today.**"

I suppose this is the point somebody has to put the words "nostrils", "tent",
and "camel" in the same sentence?

I'd not say it, except..  All the articles on how to disable this in Chrome say
stuff like:

If users don't want to be included in the Chrome DoH experiment, they can use a
DNS provider that's not on Google's list (which most of the Chrome userbase
already does), or they can disable DoH support by modifying the 
chrome://flags/#dns-over-https flag.

However, the Linux build of "Version 79.0.3921.0 (Official Build) unknown 
does not have that flag in chrome://flags (or at least Chrome can't find ot with
control-F dns-over   and the in-page search box returns 1 result for 'dns'

Anonymize local IPs exposed by WebRTC.
Conceal local IP addresses with mDNS hostnames.
 Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS


There are still 3 occurrences of the string 'dns-over-http' in the binary, but 
none of them
seem to be wired up to the chrome://flags page.

It may be a bug - I was unable to find mention of it, but I may not have had
the right keywords to scare up a search hit.  If it *is* a bug, I'd appreciate 
somebody pointed me at the support page for it....

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