On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 10:22 AM Blake Hudson <bl...@ispn.net> wrote:
> t...@pelican.org wrote on 11/21/2019 4:32 AM:
> > Or am I woefully naive, and it's actually trivial for a non-US resident
to come up with a US credit card and billing address to pay for the service?

1. Buy a prepaid debit card.
2. Rent a mailbox at Mailboxes Etc. or a similar company.
3. Log in to the prepaid card's web site and enter the address of your
rented mailbox as the billing address.

> Tim, like you, I've been baffled by this choice as well. Why streaming
> video providers continue to choose a costly and convoluted path when a
> less convoluted and cheaper path exists to reach (seemingly) the same
> destination I will never know.

Again, streaming video providers did not make this choice. Content owners
did, and made its enforcement a contractual requirement for leasing that
content to the streaming video providers.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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