On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 3:45 PM Jared Mauch <ja...@puck.nether.net> wrote:
> I can think of many legitimate cases, but i think this is where you have 
> internet for everyone and internet for the tech-savvy/business split that 
> becomes interesting.
> I’ve generally been willing to pay more for a business class service for 
> support and improved response SLA.  The average user isn’t going to detect 
> that 10% of their UDP has gone missing, nor should they be expected to.

I really hope my constituents don't have to get business class
connections just to get decent performance out of our services, such
as UDP based tunnels. They barely care what a VPN is, much less what
UDP is. And if our VPN software detects that UDP is available, it will
use it, so I suspect it would be (or is being) affected by this.

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