On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 9:35 AM Brian Johnson <brian.john...@netgeek.us> wrote:
> You are a dismissive little twit aren’t you. :/

Someone stood up and said, "Nope, nothing I did could possibly have
broken anything." I'm pretty sure that someone was you but feel free
to call me on it if I'm mistaken.

Look, at the risk of doing further offense, it's like I said: it's one
thing to educate yourself about a topic and then make a judgement call
about what's acceptable. It's quite another to remain willfully
ignorant in service of your preferred view. I just got through
describing specific scenarios where loose urpf fails when you
responded that no, it doesn't break anything. If you'd said, "no, that
breakage is a small price worth paying," I'd have debated the merits
with you or simply let it stand as a contrary opinion. Refusing to
acknowledge the breakage is worth only dismissal.


William Herrin

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