On 18/Jun/20 02:32, Phil Bedard wrote:
> I look at the basic SR via IGP extensions like VPLS vs. EVPN.   If we had a 
> way to go back in history I'm not sure anyone would have said VPLS was a good 
> idea vs. EVPN.  
> There were reasons back in the day why something like SR wasn't done.  The 
> thought of global MPLS labels scared people and source routing was also evil. 
>  So LDP was created to distribute labels hop by hop, while still relying 100% 
> on the IGP to do so.  It kind of defies common sense when you look at it now, 
> but there were supposedly good reasons for it back then.  
> SR-MPLS on an existing device supporting MPLS forwarding is a control-plane 
> change, meaning almost any device could support SR-MPLS.  
> SR is meant to be data plane agnostic, the SID is just an identifier.  Most 
> support MPLS, some support IPv6.  

Fair enough.

There's still a whole IGP mess to sort out though, not to mention many
years of field experience to bake in.


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