On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 10:02:01 -0800, Jay Hennigan said:

> In the old days on the NANAE newsgroup, such bogus threats of legal
> action were categorized as one calling their "cartooney". People who
> huff and puff and threaten to sue rarely do so. If someone actually
> plans on suing you, your first hint is typically a knock on the door by
> a process server, not repeated threats in an online forum.

Right.  The thing is that unless you're party to the lawsuit, you don't
know if a process server has been involved.

Somebody else replied by private email and pointed where the AfriNIC
CEO wrote that they had, in fact, actually been sued.   So whatever one
might think of Elad Cohen, he's apparently not a cartooney.

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