At 18:39 -0500 4/20/09, Joe Greco wrote:

Knowing that blatant lying about IP space justifications has been an
ongoing game in the community, ARIN has decided to "do something" about

I don't draw that direct conclusion. Although it may sound like "we know you've been lying so we want to hear from your parents" this can be read more benignly as "we want to make sure your parents know what's going on."

And why would the answer be any different, now?

No, but now, if you (the engineer) have been telling non-technical management that there's a need to investigate IPv6 and management has been turning a deaf ear, you now have "backup" - a second source for management to get the message from that they ought to think about IPv6 plans.

PS - this is based upon lessons learned when I worked for a US fed agency. When the network folks said we needed $X thousand of dollars for 10BaseT deployment across the campus we were ignored. When each division asked each directorate and they asked the budget committee for what amounted to $X thousand to have the networks deploy 10BaseT (two years on), we got the job.
Edward Lewis
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