Here in Brazil we had a similar issue...

The cause here was the lack of maintenance contract between the Firewall
Suppliers and the Government Department.

GeoIPBased Firewall Rule was deployed on the Public Health System in
Brazil, saying:
"To those servers, if IP is not from Brazil, drop!"

After the service contract with the firewall vendor expired and was not
renewed, automatic updates from Gei-IP-Base were blocked.
The range 45.x.x.x was not allocated initially to BR, but in decurrency of
phase 3 of IPv4 exhaustion on LACNIC, several blocks inside 45/8 were
alocated to Brazilian ASNs.

And that firewall did not receive the updates that would tell "hey
firewall... those IPs are Brazilian now".

And because of that, a significant part of the Bazilian Internet community
had problems to access one of Public Health application on the Internet.

That is described here at the following link (pt_BR)

After a MASSIVE campaign started on that mail list, and several
colleagues sending repetitive e-mails to the responsible organizations,
marking guys on facebook and linkedin...
One day a magic was done and that blocks stopped.

Em ter., 9 de mar. de 2021 às 11:16, Justin Wilson (Lists) <>

>         Folks,
>         We have an IP block I have asked about help on a few times on
> here.  This is a block we received from ARIN in June of 2020.  We have
> several state networks here in Indiana dropping this traffic at their
> firewalls. I have been working with them since we discovered this issue in
> September.  I am not getting anywhere with them and was finally told we
> were not a priority.
>         I am at the point I need to give the space back because it is
> unusable to the ISP customers. Does anyone have any creative ideas on how
> to fix this?
> Justin Wilson
> —
> - All things jsw (AS209109)
> - Podcast and Blog

Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação

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