On 3/26/21 3:31 PM, Mark Tinka wrote:

On 3/26/21 23:30, b...@uu3.net wrote:

Oh, sorry to disappoint you, but they are not missing anything..
Internet become a consumer product where data is provided by
large corporations similary to TV now. Your avarage Joe consumer
does NOT care about NAT and that he cant run services or he does NOT
have full e2e communication.

Yep - infrastructure is now implied, to the extent that customers even forget who are they paying for connectivity.

Yes, you are right, NAT was a second class internet for a while but
now it seems that we cannot live without it anymore :)
I dont really see other way how I can connect LAN to internet now.
Using public IPs? Thats so terrible idea. How can I be el-cheappo
dual-homed then?

As long as infrastructure continues to dilly-dally, software will fill in the gaps, even if it may cause more breakage in the eyes of the networking purists.

I think the question these days is NAT or not. It's double NAT or not.


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