----- On Aug 31, 2021, at 8:40 AM, Jon Lewis jle...@lewis.org wrote:


[ I'm not affiliated with CI in any way, just playing the Devil's Advocate ]

> " AFRINIC resources are for AFRINIC service region and any use
> outside the region should be solely in support of connectivity back to the
> AFRINIC region."

> AfriNIC's policy is not at all vague on the matter that their resources
> are to be used in or to support connectivity in the AFRINIC region.

In all fairness, that is as ambiguous as it can be. What constitutes "support
of connectivity back to the AfriNIC region"?

It's easy to argue that CI is in full compliance with that since their
assignment supports connectivity between users in Africa and their clients'
services. In that case, only IP space used outside of Africa not advertised
to the internet would be in violation. 

I'm not saying this is how it /should/ be read, I'm just saying that a plain
text analysis of that section is not very restrictive.

Now, obviously, most people on this list will agree with the assessment that,
nicely put, CI is not complying with the /spirit/ of the policy. We all know
why that language exists. So, as far as I can see now, this is a classical
case of "you're not wrong, you're just an a^H^H^H^H^H^H".

But again, IANAL, yet, and I can't comment on legal matters. In the end, it
will be a judge that will rule who is in the wrong.



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