On 9/22/21 10:45 AM, Lady Benjamin Cannon of Glencoe, ASCE wrote:
Half-penny pinching “mah powah” landlords are especially annoying in a cosmic sense

I know someone who had a bit of a different experience.

Someone, purportedly the telco but I'm not sure who, had telco equipment in a building and the batteries hadn't been serviced in the better part of a decade and there was a strong smell of battery acid in the room.

I heard that building management put a hard line of something like 36 hours for the equipment owner to address the problem, or at least respond with an acceptable time line, lest the building electrician would remove the batteries as a health and safety concern.

The equipment owner materialized and removed the batteries within 72 hours. The bulk of the equipment was removed the following month.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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