Mel Beckman wrote on 18/01/2022 21:25:
/The collective tech industry needs to admit that it made a huge blunder when it urged the FCC’s clueless Ajit Pai to “blow off” the clearly demonstrated FAA spectrum conflict. Sorry, passengers, but if you look out your window, you’ll see that aviation owns this spectrum and is entitled to interference-free operation. Replacing all radar altimeters isn’t going to happen in time for 5G anyway — it took more than ten years just to deploy anti-collision technology. So do what you should have done from the beginning: follow the FCC rules of non-interference to existing users, who have clear priority in this case.”/

The original fixed satellite comms (space-to-earth) allocation was 3700-4200MHz, which was split into two parts in 2020: a mobile wireless spectrum allocation on 3700MHz to 4000MHz (for 5G) with 4000-4200MHz remaining allocated to satellite comms. The 4200-4400MHz range is allocated to aeronautical navigation and is used for radio altimeters.

So by rights, aviation doesn't now and never did own this spectrum. That said, spectrum bleed on radio transmitters is something that happens, and I've no doubt that there are plenty of broken altimeter receiver antennas out there which will pick up signals outside their formal allocation of 4200-4400MHz. Regularly tested band pass filters should deal with most of this.

Even if technically the aeronautical sector doesn't own this spectrum, the consequences of transmitter or receiver bleed from nearby allocations could be serious for the same reason that if someone walks out on a pedestrian crossing without checking and gets mown down by a drunk driver, they're not going to be jubilantly talking at their funeral about how at least they were acting within their rights.


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