It is really quite odd that arguably the heart of high tech in the world has 
such poor coverage. I remember going on a visit there 10+ years ago and being 
shocked that the head of the development team at the company I was visiting had 
the best available which was a 2meg cable plan with a data cap while here in 
New Zealand we had adsl/vdsl to the curb unlimited for about $60USD. Then about 
2 years ago we moved to 1G/500 GPON unlimited for a retail price of about 
$60USD. For the last year at home I’ve had unlimited 4Gb/s symmetric XGSPON for 
a retail price of around $105USD/month. This Fibre coverage covers something 
like 70% of the country and is rapidly rising. I would have thought Silicon 
Valley would be years ahead of a small country in the south pacific (we have to 
pay for all that sub sea connectivity to the USA and Australia as well, I have 
routers in San Jose and LA connected to Auckland). Something has gone horribly 
wrong to produce this outcome I would suggest.




From: NANOG <> On Behalf Of Michael 
Sent: Thursday, 17 February 2022 10:47 am
To: Josh Luthman <>
Subject: Re: New minimum speed for US broadband connections



On 2/16/22 1:36 PM, Josh Luthman wrote:

What is the embarrassment?

That in the tech center of the world that we're so embarrassingly behind the 
times with broadband. I'm going to get fiber in the rural Sierra Nevada before 
Silicon Valley. In fact, I already have it, they just haven't installed the 




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