Randy Carpenter wrote:
> >> >> >> Owen DeLong via NANOG wrote:
> >> >> >> When your ISP starts charging $X/Month for legacy protocol support
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Out of interest, how would this come about?
> >> >>
> >> >> ISPs are facing ever growing costs to continue providing IPv4 services.
> >> >  Could you please be more specific about which costs you are referring 
> >> > to?
> >> >
> >> >  It's not like IP transit providers care if they deliver IPv4 or IPv6 
> >> > bits to
> >> >  you.
> >>
> >> Have you priced blocks of IPv4 addresses lately?
> >  IPv4 address blocks have a fixed one-time cost, not an ongoing $X/month 
> > cost.
> >
> > - Jared
> How, exactly, would you propose a company recoup the cost?
  There are many options, depending on the commercial relationship between ISP 
and customer.

  The ISP may simply charge a single one-time fee per IPv4.

  The customer may choose to bring their own IPv4 blocks as many BGP customers 

  The ISP may chose not to charge separately per IPv4, as having those IPs 
enables them to charge $Y/month for Internet service.

  And so on and so forth.

  Furthermore IPv4 addresses do not wear out. IPs can be reused upon customer 
churn and excess blocks can be sold, if need be.

- Jared

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