On 5 Apr 2022, at 8:38 PM, Dan Mahoney (Gushi) <d...@prime.gushi.org> wrote:
> But say they sign an LRSA: Those $0 fees would go up to 150, this year, 175 
> next year, 200 the following...250 in year five... to be able to simply add 
> DNSSEC, RPKI, and Validated IRR.

Hi Dan,

Speaking for myself, I'd be happy to pay the normal block size fee
just to get DNSSEC, RPKI and a validated IRR. I pay $80/month just for
my residential Internet service and another $80 or so for my off-site
virtual machines. A couple hundred bucks a _year_ for the niceties
which come with ARIN registration is no imposition at all.

My objection lies in having ARIN's RSA adhere to my address block
overall. I may feel differently about ARIN next year than I do this
year but once I've signed that RSA, well, that's just too bad. I now
have obligations to ARIN, some of them on shifting sand, and if I
don't fulfill them the addresses are gone.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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