On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 10:12 AM John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> Note - if the reason that you are paying "significant money” to ARIN is 
> because you have more than one ASN
> (and therefore are paying $150 per-ASN annual maintenance fee), I would 
> suggest you review if you qualify for
> a /24 IPv4 block from the ARIN waiting list (and applying asap if that’s the 
> case), as your annual ARIN payment
> would drop upon receipt (i.e. you would become a 3X-Small registration 
> services plan customer paying $250/year
> in total rather than paying the per-ASN maintenance fees), and also be able 
> to opt into general membership and
> thus participating in voting if desired.

Or get an IPv6 /48 which could be fulfilled immediately (no waiting
list) and have the same impact of making you a 3x-small services plan
customer paying $250/year total.

Bill Herrin

For hire. https://bill.herrin.us/resume/

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