--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Charles Wyble <char...@thewybles.com> wrote: 
> David Barak wrote:
> > Encryption is insufficient - if you let someone have
> physical access for a long enough period, they'll eventually
> crack anything. 
> Really? I don't think so. I imagine it would be much more
> dependent on the amount of computing power the attacker has
> access to. More encrypted blobs won't help. If that was the
> case then the various encryption schemes in wide use today
> would be cracked already. Bad guys can setup networks and
> blast data through it and have complete access. I don't see
> them cracking encryption.

Paranoia 101 teaches us that any given encryption approach will eventually fall 
before a brute-force onslaught of sufficient power and duration[1].  I'm not 
trying to argue that the attacker in this case could necessarily detect a flaw 
in the algorithm; rather, they'll get an effectively infinite number of chances 
to bang against it with no consequences.  Once it's cracked, the attacker will 
*still* have the physical access which is thus compromised, and then has free 
access to all of the transmissions.

Physical security is a prerequisite to all of the other approaches to 
communication security.  Those cases where physical security is presumed to be 
non-existant have to rely on a lot of out-of-band knowledge for any given 
method to be resistant to attack, and it's very hard to make use of a 
connection of that type for regular operations.

Pretty much all security eventually boils down to people with firearms saying 
"don't do that."

David Barak
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