I do 250 mbits on 21 transponders :)

----- Original Message -----
From: John van Oppen <j...@vanoppen.com>
To: Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>; Deepak Jain <dee...@ai.net>
Cc: nanog@nanog.org <nanog@nanog.org>
Sent: Tue Jun 02 14:51:59 2009
Subject: RE: Fiber cut - response in seconds?

Ok, while this is off-topic, let's just point people to Wikipedia:

Other satellites (which are NOT in the same position at all times from
the prospective of a spot on earth):


TV, and other fixed positioned (relative to the earth are


perhaps further comments can go to the discussion pages on Wikipedia
since I would wager a very small number of us push any serious number of
bits via satellite.

John van Oppen
Spectrum Networks LLC
Direct: 206.973.8302
Main: 206.973.8300
Website: http://spectrumnetworks.us

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Adams [mailto:cmad...@hiwaay.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:36 PM
To: Deepak Jain
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: Fiber cut - response in seconds?

Once upon a time, Deepak Jain <dee...@ai.net> said:
> I promise you that that is not the case for all applications.
> Geosynchronous satellites can be anywhere. For the applications you
> are considering (communications mostly), equatorial orbit is the most
> advantageous. 

Geosynchronous are only over a particular longitude.  They move up and
down in latitude, so it isn't over a given point except twice per day
(or only once at the extremes).

Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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