This begs the question of what basic parameters should be for a "carrier
hotel" or co-lo.

Given that we're getting designated "Critical Infrastructure", we'd
getter start coming up with some, or we'll have them defined for us.

The old NEBS standards were too much of a straightjacket, but the
current situation, where any buffoon who wants to can claim to be
something they aren't (redundant and reliable) undermines the business
of those who actually spend the money, and make the effort, to provide a
true "carrier grade" co-lo.

This is life in the current Internet: Overpromise, and Underdeliver.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Hubbard []
>Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 10:05 AM
>To: NANOG list
>Subject: RE: Fire, Power loss at Fisher Plaza in Seattle
>From: Seth Mattinen []
>> Apparently it took with it, too:
>> ~Seth
>No technical explanation of course but it also took down
>their 'backup facility' according to them on twitter;
>I assume some bad routing/DNS if they do actually have
>a backup facility.  Lots of online stores are
>offline right now because of this, and the holiday is
>unfortunately keeping those store owners from knowing
>they are not making sales right now.  Life in ecommerce...

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