You are using it the wrong way .. most of the drop list is directly
spammer controlled space used as, for example, C&C for botnets.
You'd see tons of abuse and little or no smtp traffic from a lot of
those hosts.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:26 AM, Jason Bertoch <> wrote:
> Justin Shore wrote:
>> As a brief off-shoot of the original topic, has anyone scripted the use of
>> Spamhaus's DROP list in a RTBH, ACLs, null-routes, etc?  I'm not asking if
>> people think it's safe; that's up to the network wanting to deploy it.  I'm

> Downloading and parsing is easy.  I used to drop it into the config for a
> small dns server, rbldnsd I believe, that understands CIDR and used it as a
> local blacklist.  It did very little to stop spam and I was never brave
> enough to script an automatic update to BGP.

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