> I challenge the usual suspects to deliver actual working dual stack IPv6 ADSL 
> CPE rather than feigning interest.   None of the major CPE vendors appear to 
> have a v6 plan despite your claims.   We have an IPv6 dual stack trial for 
> ADSL going on and not a single CPE from the _major consumer CPE vendors_.

I've saw some ADSL CPEs that could bridge specific frame types. It
would be feasible to think of an ADSL CPE that would simply bridge
IPv4/ARP and IPv6 ethertypes and have a dual-stack BRAS service the
users, or bridge IPv4/ARP to a VC(Virtual Circuit) and IPv6 to another
VC, or NAT+Route IPv4 to a VC and bridge IPv6 to other VC.

In an IPv6 world where NAT is not a requirement (paranoids are welcome
to buy their own IPv6 firewalls), bridging with some L4 intelligence
might be all that a CPE needs to do. The IPv6 idea of letting
end-nodes have more work and intermediate nodes have less work also
applies to CPEs.


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