In message <>, Joe Abley writes
> On 2010-02-14, at 17:17, Mark Andrews wrote:
> > I don't care what internal routing tricks are used, they are still
> > under the *one* external route and as such subject to single points
> > of failure and as such don't have enough independence.
> Are you asserting architectural control over what Level3 decide to do =
> with their own servers, Mark? :-)

No.  The reason for multiple nameservers is to remove single points
of failures.  Using three consecutive addresses doesn't remove
single points of failure in the routing system.
> If their goal is distribute a service for the benefit of their own =
> customers, then keeping all anycast nodes associated with that service =
> on-net seems entirely sensible.

Which only helps if *all* customers of those servers are also on net.
> Joe
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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