Subject: RE: [Fwd: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Position On The 
ITU?IPv6 Group] Date: Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 08:47:57AM -0500 Quoting Brandon Kim 
> Interesting, why is it causing quite a stir? Is it because they are trying to 
> allocate a large
> pool of addresses?

The ITU is sulking because noone cares about them anymore; everybody
just runs IP instead of being obedient Phone Company customers and 
using E.164 numbers. 

By becoming provider of IPv6 space the ITU hopes to restore the notion
of country code addresses and also to again become a power factor in

It is no coincidence that this wacky idea centers around developing
countries; since one country -- one vote still is the norm for much ITU
work this is a way to move power distribution back from an economy
driven model (where actual usage and amount of money invested in
operations matter) to a national-state model where Internet-heavy
information economies like North Korea or Bangladesh have equal voting
rights as USA or Japan.

Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE                             +46 705 989668
Will the third world war keep "Bosom Buddies" off the air?

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