On Feb 26, 2010, at 9:19 AM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:

> On Feb 26, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Jared Mauch wrote:
>> On Feb 26, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Brandon Kim wrote:
>>> Interesting, why is it causing quite a stir? Is it because they are trying 
>>> to allocate a large
>>> pool of addresses?
>> For those of you that are unaware, it is possible to contact the State 
>> Department to get involved with ITU activities and be added to their mailing 
>> lists to discuss these positions.
> I, for one, did not know this.
> The State Department is a rather large organization. Can you provide a link 
> or a reference to the appropriate way to do this ?
> Regards
> Marshall

Hi Marshall, 

Contact Anne Jillson and she'll set you up.



> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Jillson, Anne D" <jillso...@state.gov>
>> Date: January 4, 2010 12:05:16 PM EST
>> To: i...@lmlist.state.gov
>> Subject: [ITAC] U.S. Delegation for the ITU Council Working Group Meetings, 
>> Jan. 25 - Feb. 5, Geneva
>> Reply-To: "Jillson, Anne D" <jillso...@state.gov>
>> We need to start forming the U.S. Delegation to the ITU Council Working 
>> Group Meetings that begin in three weeks in Geneva.   If you are interested 
>> in being part of the U.S. delegation, please reply to jillso...@state.gov no 
>> later than this Friday, Jan.  8.    Please indicate if you  only plan to 
>> participate in some of the meetings.
>> Thanks.
>> Anne
>> Anne Jillson
>> International Communications and Information Policy
>> ASRC Management Services Contractor
>> Department of State
>> Tel: 202-647-2592
>> Fax: 202-647-7407

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