On Mar 9, 2010, at 3:23 PM, Brandon Kim wrote:

> LOL! Wow that is a pretty sad comment......
> But back to the CRS-3, just wow!!!

Wow what?

Is there anything in the CRS-3 that competitors are not shipping _today_?

If you look at some startups, they are doing 4-5 times as many Gbps per slot, 
and pre-release equipment is in use in some networks already.

The only "wow" here is "wow, why did cisco hype how far behind they are?"


>> Subject: RE: CRS-3
>> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 14:54:16 -0500
>> From: dhubb...@dino.hostasaurus.com
>> To: nanog@nanog.org
>> From: Brian Feeny [mailto:bfe...@mac.com] 
>>> So who is going to be the first to deploy these?
>>> http://newsroom.cisco.com/dlls/2010/prod_030910.html
>>> - Download the entire Library of Congress in just over 1 second
>>> - Stream every motion picture ever created in less than four minutes
>>> If nothing else you gotta love the Cisco Marketing machine!
>>> Brian
>> The article about this in the tech section on CNN
>> already has comments in it like "Oh, well Cisco
>> owns Linksys and I have a Linksys router so will
>> my ISP be updating me to the CRS-3 so I can
>> download at those speeds?"  LOL

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