On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Express Web Systems
<mailingli...@expresswebsystems.com> wrote:
>> Wow what?
>> Is there anything in the CRS-3 that competitors are not shipping _today_?
>> If you look at some startups, they are doing 4-5 times as many Gbps per
> slot,
>> and pre-release equipment is in use in some networks already.
>> The only "wow" here is "wow, why did cisco hype how far behind they are?"
> It's called doing the "wall street dance". Their stock price jumped 3%
> yesterday in anticipation of the "big" announcement. Hype is hype, and
> people still remember the magic of the dotcom bubble. "ZOMG! They increased
> the size of the tubez! BUY! BUY!"
> [full disclosure: I own stock in Cisco]
> Tom Walsh
> Express Web Systems, Inc.

Actually it is called "defining a market". Cisco is doing for the
small innovative companies something they could not do for themselves.
Want to bet the "Wall St. Industry Experts" discover the "play"
waiting to happen in some of these companies next and some money comes
their way?



“Discovering...discovering...we will never cease discovering...
and the end of all our discovering will be
to return to the place where we began
and to know it for the first time.”
-T.S. Eliot

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