On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 21:48 +0200, Grzegorz Janoszka wrote:
> On 12-4-2010 21:44, Gustavo Santos wrote:
> > its was an old bug, that had been fixed for a while..
> You should still keep in mind Mikrotik is just Linux, with all its 
> (dis)advantages, plus some scripts and weird CLI.

That's like saying that a Juniper is just FreeBSD with a bunch of
scripts and a weird CLI.

/*=================[ Jake Khuon <kh...@neebu.net> ]=================+
 | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers     /| / [~ [~ |) | | -------- |
 | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation  / |/  [_ [_ |) |_| NETWORKS |   

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