On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 16:06 -0400, James Jones wrote:
> kind of....routerOS supports MPLS, linux does not

It could (unfortunately) be a while before a full linux implementation
of MPLS gains enough speed, it's very much out on the fringe of what
linux "does daily". This mean that getting enough developers, free time
to develop and equipment to test with seems to be quite a steep problem
right now.

Likewise the FreeBSD MPLS effort, though this seems to be more like
familiar territory for BSD-heads, but, as ever, funding and equipment
are sorely needed.

If anyone (I'm thinking of the bigger players) could lend a hand,
loan/ship out a box, or offer a few test-box out onto the cloud by
(arrangement) the lack of MPLS on BSD and Linux machines could probably
be rectified a little quicker. 
Or maybe someone has a tiny pot of cash to sponsor some "bounty"

back onto the main topic...

+1 for routerOS, but never needed MPLS in my encounters with it.

 I have to say the Microtiks do nothing (in my world, that is) that I
couldn't do with half an hour and similar (but very slightly beefier)
hardware and a generic/minimal BSD or linux install, but given the
price, I'd be a fool to DIY if I need to hand over to others,  erm ,
well, shall we say, `less interested` at the end of the day. 
It earns an extra Kibo Cookie for that, certainly. 

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