On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Brielle Bruns wrote:

> On 6/9/10 6:27 AM, Jorge Amodio wrote:
>> Going back then to a previous question, do we want more/any regulation ?
> Laws and regulation exist because people can't behave civilly and be expected 
> to respect the rights/boundries/property others.
> CAN-SPAM exists because the e-mail marketing business refused to self 
> regulate and respect the wishes of consumers/administrators
Which is good, because it certainly eliminated most of the SPAM. -- NOT!

> FDCPA exists because the debt collectors couldn't resist the temptation to 
> harass and intimidate consumers, and behave ethically.
And of course, it has caused them all to do so, now, right? -- NOT!

> It's just a matter of time, and really unavoidable.  The thing is, these 
> industries have no one to blame but themselves.  In all cases, these 
> laws/regulation only came into affect AFTER situations got out of control.
Software has been out of control for a long time and I hope that the gov't will 
start by ruling the "not responsible for our negligence or the damage it 
causes" clauses of software licenses invalid. That would actually be a major 
positive step because it would allow consumers to sue software manufacturers 
for their defects and the damages they cause leading to a radical change in the 
nature of how software developers approach responsibility for quality in their 
products. Right now, most consumer operating systems are "unsafe at any speed".

> Lately, the courts have been ruling that companies like LimeWire are 
> responsible for their products being used for piracy/downloading because they 
> knew what was going on, but were turning a blind eye.
This is a positive step, IMHO, but, now companies like Apple and Micr0$0ft need 
to be held to similar standards.

> Why not apply the same standards to ISPs?  If it can be shown that you had 
> knowledge of specific abuse coming from your network, but for whatever 
> reason, opted to ignore it and turn a blind eye, then you are responsible.
I agree.

> When I see abuse from my network or am made aware of it, I isolate and drop 
> on my edge the IPs in question, then investigate and respond.  Most times, it 
> takes me maybe 10-15 minutes to track down the user responsible, shut off 
> their server or host, then terminate their stupid self.

> A little bit of effort goes a long way.  But, if you refuse to put in the 
> effort (I'm looking at you, GoDaddy Abuse Desk), then of course the problems 
> won't go away.


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