On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 12:27:18 BST, Michael Dillon said:

> If any organization operates an infrastructure which could be
> vulnerable to cyberattack that would damage the country in which they
> operate, that organization needs to be regulated to ensure that their
> networks cannot be exploited for cyberattack purposes.

s/cannot be/minimize the risk of/

And "would damage the country" is a very fuzzy concept that you really don't
want to go anywhere near.  Remember Microsoft arguing that a Federal judge
shouldn't impose an injunction that was going to make them miss a ship
date, on the grounds that the resulting delay would cause lost productivity
at customer sites and harm the economy?

(Mind you, I thought MS was making a good case they *should* be regulated,
if their ship dates actually had that much influence.. ;)

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