Agreed.  And it REALLY isn't that complicated.  Go spend some time with
CORBA or TL-1 and then re-evaluate the learning curve.

SNMP is really very straight forward as a protocol.  If a specific vendor's
MIB is difficult to understand or use, that is an entirely different matter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Regnauld [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:14 PM
To: Curtis Maurand
Subject: Re: Monitoring Tools

Curtis Maurand (cmaurand) writes:
> >     Oh, and it avoided us having to install an agent on 1000+ servers :)
> >
> But the configuration learning curve for SNMP is very steep indeed.

        Doing network monitoring and not understanding SNMP is like,
        umm, well I fail to come up with an analogy, but you get my drift.

        It's a bullet you'll have to bite at one point.

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