Vendor MIBs are the worst part of any new monitoring project. It is made
even worse when they change them ever so slightly during an upgrade making
your free disk space show as -2tb...

On Aug 19, 2010 3:47 PM, "Scott Berkman" <> wrote:
> Agreed. And it REALLY isn't that complicated. Go spend some time with
> CORBA or TL-1 and then re-evaluate the learning curve.
> SNMP is really very straight forward as a protocol. If a specific vendor's
> MIB is difficult to understand or use, that is an entirely different
> -Scott
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Regnauld []
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:14 PM
> To: Curtis Maurand
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Monitoring Tools
> Curtis Maurand (cmaurand) writes:
>> > Oh, and it avoided us having to install an agent on 1000+ servers :)
>> >
>> But the configuration learning curve for SNMP is very steep indeed.
> Doing network monitoring and not understanding SNMP is like,
> umm, well I fail to come up with an analogy, but you get my drift.
> :)
> It's a bullet you'll have to bite at one point.

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