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On Sep 3, 2010, at 3:42 AM, Deepak Jain <> wrote:

>> Subject: Re: largest OSPF core
>> On 02/09/2010 13:20, lorddoskias wrote:
>>> I'm just curious - what is the largest OSPF core (in terms of number
>> of
>>> routers) out there?
>> You don't expect anyone to actually admit to something like this? :-)
> For giggles:
> Network World April 9, 1990 (page 59):
> "There is no practical limit to the number of interconnected networks OSPF 
> and Dual Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System can support"...
> "From the onset, OSPF was intended to be short-term, for IP-only"..
> "Dual routing is intended to be more of a long-term solution because there 
> will be very few pure OSI or TCP/IP routing environments in the future."
> ---
> Technology prognosticators shouldn't try their hands in Vegas. Just saying.
> With respect to these OSPF questions, how many people are running two OSPF 
> processes on each router (v4 and v6) to support dual stack rather than 
> migrating (or just enjoying their existing) ISIS (OSI) implementations?
You left out the option of using ospf3 to do both v4 and v6. Works on juniper 
and foundry at least.

> Deepak

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