On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 03:23:48PM -0700, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
> I remember writing (complaining) about it in a thread back in April,
> appreciated.

        I still don't know why anyone would complain, although I do
thank Interop for their generosity.

        Here's some truth:

        1) At most, we buy ourselves a few months.

        2) Specified transfer is really just a way for those that would
        have to renumber to free up space, to be compensated for their
        expense in doing so.

        3) We can reclaim parts of every /8 we want, and the only thing
        we'll do is give those that are slow to migrate to v6 an 
        excuse to stall a bit longer.

        We're gonna hit the wall.  Delaying the inevitable, is not really
in anyone's interest.  The sooner we hit the wall, the sooner that v6
deployment clue is imparted.*


*       And I say this as one of the people that spent many years bitching
        about v6's flaws -- however, we no longer have time to debate them,
        or try to switch horses midstream, 6rd style.  That ship sailed.
        Suck it up and go native, already.  Sheesh.  If you work for an 
        MSO, I am *really* talking to you, especially if your name starts
        with a C and ends with an x.  Thanks for listening.

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