I saw 'field' somewhere....

seems to agree.


On 11/19/2010 10:42 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> Since the poll is a straight yes/no option with no preference, I will
> express my preference here. While I find the term quibble fun and
> amusing, I think hextet is a far more useful term because it does not
> have the overloaded human semantics that come with quibble.
> I'm sorry to quibble with the majority here, but, in this case, I think
> we have enough problems with ambiguous terminology in
> networking and this opportunity to avoid creating one more should
> not be missed.
> Owen
> On Nov 18, 2010, at 6:07 PM, Richard Hartmann wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> as most of you are aware, there is no definite, canonical name for the
>> two bytes of IPv6 addresses between colons. This forces people to use
>> a description like I just did instead of a single, specific term.
>> Being highly pedantic Germans, this annoyed quite a few people within
>> the DENOG community. This, in turn, lead to an I-D[1]. If any of you
>> have any additional suggestions, you are more than  welcome to share
>> them. Additionally, I want to invite everyone to participate in an
>> informal poll which we created[2]. We're fully aware that it's trivial
>> to cheat on this poll; that's life.
>> As of right now, Quibble leads with Hextet being a close second. All
>> other options got significantly less votes.
>> Thanks,
>> Richard
>> [1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming
>> [2] http://doodle.com/5q9gfvk4qe6zmzc6

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