
On Fri, 19 Nov 2010, Owen DeLong wrote:

> >> I'm sorry to quibble with the majority here, but, in this case, I think
> >> we have enough problems with ambiguous terminology in
> >> networking and this opportunity to avoid creating one more should
> >> not be missed.
> > 
> (The above paragraph was mainly so that I had an opportunity to toss
> quibble into the text with it's other meaning).
> > Agreed. OTOH, Hextet is not technically correct while appearing to be so.
> > 
> True... The correct term would be decohextet, but, decohextet is rather
> long both to say and to write and really doesn't roll off the tongue the
> way hextet does.

   I like to call it a "HexNot" - a hexidecimal representation of zeros.


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