In a corporate environment, that's the way it's been for almost 30 years. The 
feeling I get is that people want to re-litigate that with Ipv6, and make every 
desktop an end-to-end node. Not going to happen. In most corporate 
environments, even with sarcasm, you are right. There are clients and there are 
servers there are no such things as nodes. This is a major reason there is very 
little deployment of ipv6 within corporate networks. Things like DHCPv6 
integrated with NAC/802.1x, RA Guard, etc are another. Oh, and telling everyone 
that all server addresses had to be dynamic and determined by your ISP (PA 
space) was another funny. Again, not going to happen. 

We have PI space and are testing Ipv6, but still waiting on consistent support 
from all Oses in use (Solaris, Linux and various flavors of Windows). Things 
like address token support (works fine in Solaris, I assume it's available 
somewhere in Linux but can't find it), and not available at all with Windows.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 4:47 PM
> To: Lamar Owen
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: quietly....
> On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 15:20:25 EST, Lamar Owen said:
> > FTP is a in essence a peer-to-peer protocol, as both ends initiate TCP 
> > streams.  I know that's
> nitpicking, but it is true.
> Well, it's official - the original end-to-end design principal of the 
> Internet is
> dead, deceased, and buried.  Henceforth, there will be Clients, and there will
> be Servers, and all nodes will be permanently classified as one or the other,
> with no changing or intermixing of status allowed.

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