On Feb 4, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Jack Bates wrote:

> On 2/4/2011 6:27 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> Hell, even without CPE doing it, many residential ISPs (regardless of NAT) 
>>> block inbound traffic to consumers.
>>> >  
>> Really? And they have subscribers? Surprising.
> Mark Andrews wrote:
>> I run machines all the time that don't have firewall to protect
>> them from the big wide world out there.  I suspect we all do.  Your
>> not behind a external firewall when you are at NANOG or IETF.
>> Everyone doesn't suddenly get "owned" because there isn't a external
>> firewall.  Modern OS's default to secure.
> Yes, and some of you thanked us for blocking RPC in the ISP or in the cable 
> modems. Many such blocks are still in place in many ISPs as there was no 
> reason to ever remove them. TCP/25 outbound is often blocked in many 
> locations as well. Just because you don't notice the firewall, doesn't mean 
> it doesn't exist. We stay in business when you don't notice. :)
> Jack

True... If you review the NANOG archives you'll find that at least in the case
of the port 25 absurdity, I have noticed and have railed against it.


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