On Sun, 13 Mar 2011, Leo Bicknell wrote:
Quite frankly, most ISP's aren't going to take your DDOS report
seriously via e-mail.  If it's not bad enough to you that it is
worth your time and money to make a phone call and help them track
it down it is not worth their time and money to track it down and
make it stop.

In short, try picking up the phone.  You'll bypass the entire e-mail
reporting cesspool I just described, and show the ISP you actually
care.  9 out of 10 times they will respond by showing they care as

In my experience, most phone calls cause the ISP to become immediately hostile. They find abuse report phone calls extremely threatening / scary / etc. and go into full shields-up mode. 9 out of 10 times the very first words out of their mouth is "talk to our lawyers". the remaining 1 out of 10 is "block it on your end".

Email tends to be non threatening. As useless as it tends to be, it is still generally better than calling.

the real cesspool is POC registries. i wish arin would start revoking allocations for entities with invalid POCs.

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