It also needs

1. Someone to complain to law enforcement

2. Law enforcement to decide this is something worth following up on
re prosecution - especially if the crook is not within their
jurisdiction, it'd be FBI, and they have a minimum threshold for
damage caused (higher than the few thousand dollars a /16's
registration fees cost?)

[not counting 7.5 million bucks paid in aftermarket deals like
microsoft from nortel]


On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
> If they put it on letterhead and signed their own name in such a way that it 
> purports
> to be an agent of the organization for which they were not an authorized 
> agent, that
> is usually enough to become a criminal act, whether it is considered forgery, 
> fraud,
> or something else, I'm not sure about the exact technicalities and they may 
> vary
> by jurisdiction.

Suresh Ramasubramanian (

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