On Jun 9, 2011, at 6:09 AM, Dennis Burgess wrote:

> Does Cogent participate in the meetings/shows like the one coming up
> next week ?  Would that not be a good place for NANOGers to voice their
> opinion?  

generally telling another party how to run their business in specific is 
considered poor taste...

e.g. I dont buy transit from them and I don't much care if they choose to carry 
full routes or not. If I were a customer I imagine I'd be rather unhappy with 
the quality of their ipv6 transit product, but I'm not.

> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Dennis Burgess, Mikrotik Certified Trainer 
> Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik & WISP Support Services
> Office: 314-735-0270 Website: http://www.linktechs.net
> LIVE On-Line Mikrotik Training - Author of "Learn RouterOS"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jimmy Hess [mailto:mysi...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: June 09, 2011 7:56 AM
> To: Saku Ytti
> Cc: nanog@nanog.org
> Subject: Re: Cogent & HE
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 3:39 AM, Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi> wrote:
>> On (2011-06-09 00:55 -0700), Owen DeLong wrote:
>> I look forward for IPv4 to go away, as in future I can have full free 
>> connectivity through HE to every other shop who all have full free 
>> connectivity to HE. Something went terribly wrong in IPv4 land, where 
>> we're being unfairly forced to pay to access other networks through
> them.
> The existence of free IPv6 transit from one peer to another is clearly a
> temporary situation;  when IPv6 traffic picks up, expect to see the end
> of free transit, or a new rule like  "free transit only to our paying
> customers' networks", or "Pay an extra port fee, get first XX megs
> transit for free".
> It's obvious HE wishes to get positioning as
> Tier1 on the IPv6 network.  Once the amount of IPv6 traffic increases,
> $$ required for HE to provide transit between free peers will increase,
> and at some amount of traffic  free transit will no longer be
> sustainable, due to additional network upgrades, ports, etc, required to
> carry additional transit.
> So they either lose massive $$, become a non-profit organization, and
> get sufficient donations from peers to fund upgrades,  or at some point,
> limit the amount of (or type) of transit that is free, or stop adding
> peers.
> An assumption is that there will be such a thing as a Tier1 on the IPv6
> network.
> Perhaps, the fact there are ISPs larger than all the others and the IP
> protocol suite tends to form a hierarchical structure logically, BUT
> There exists a possibility that no IPv6 network will be able to achieve
> transit-free status through peering;  evidently, it just takes one large
> arrogant network operator to demand everyone else buy transit, in order
> to prevent any Tier1s  from completely becoming Tier1
> (and ironically -- preventing themselves from being classified Tier1,
> due to refusing to peer with HE).
> Unless you know... the operational definition of Tier1 is relaxed
> greatly to allow for partial connectivity;  reaching 50% of the networks
> without transit does not make one Tier1.
> --
> -JH

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