On 06/09/2011 06:21 PM, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
On Thu, Jun 09, 2011 at 12:55:44AM -0700, Owen DeLong wrote:
Respectfully, RAS, I disagree. I think there's a big difference
between being utterly unwilling to resolve the situation by peering
and merely refusing to purchase transit to a network that appears to
offer little or no value to the purchaser or their customers.
Owen, can you please name me one single instance in the history of the
Internet where a peering dispute which lead to network partitioning did
NOT involve one side saying "hey, we're willing to peer" and the other
side saying "no thanks"? Being the one who wants to peer means
absolutely NOTHING here, the real question is which side is causing the
partitioning, and in this case the answer is very clearly HE.

HE wants to peer with Cogent, Cogent doesn't want to peer with HE, and
thus you have an impass and there will be no peering. HE has no problem
using transit to reach Cogent for IPv4 (I see HE reaching Cogent via
1299/Telia, and Cogent reaching HE via 3549/Global Crossing, both very
clearly HE transit providers and Cogent peers), but HE has chosen not to
use transit for the IPv6 traffic. Quite simply, HE feels that they are
entitled to peer with Cogent for the IPv6 traffic, and has deliberately
chosen to create this partition to try and force the issue. These are
*PRECISELY* the same motivations and actions as EVERY OTHER NETWORK who
has ever created a network partition in pursuit of peering that the
other party doesn't want to give them, period.

Again, this isn't necessarily a bad thing if HE thinks it can work to
their long term advantage, but to try and claim that this is anything
else is completely disingenuous. I understand that you have a PR
position to take, and you may even have done a good job convincing the
weak minded who don't understand how peering works that HE is the
victim, but please don't try to feed a load of bullshit to the rest of
us. :)

From reading everything you have said my impression is YOU either work for 
Cogent or have an axe to
grind with HE.

Otherwise I can see no reason for your obvious bias against HE.

Stephen Clark
Sr. Software Engineer III
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209
Email: steve.cl...@netwolves.com

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