The SC did not receive comp registration any time while I was serving on it.  
It was possible to be comped for one of a few reasons:

1) Host
2) Speaker
3) Merit
4) B&G Sponsor (i think they got 2 comp registrations)
5) the ARIN scholarship thing.

I was on the SC and also on a panel in Dallas (the case I'm thinking of).  The 
meetings covered Feb 14th and a snowstorm that kept people from making it.  It 
was a "big deal" at the time for the merit/nanog finances.

I do feel the need to suggest that Dorian/Randy are on the mark here, most of 
these people would pay anyways.

- Jared

On Sep 1, 2011, at 8:56 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

>> For context in this discussion, how many times have you personally
>> accepted free registration in return for presenting?
> no idea.  i also think i was comped for being on the SC.  like jared, i
> would have paid.
> randy

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