I have worked for more then one transit free network, and have work with people 
from (most) of the rest, we always prefer cust over peer, every time.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

-----Original Message-----
From: "Patrick W. Gilmore" <patr...@ianai.net>
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2011 09:51:12 
To: North American Network Operators' Group<nanog@nanog.org>
Subject: Re: Do Not Complicate Routing Security with Voodoo Economics

Mostly excellent thoughts, well documented.  I have a question about this 
statement though:

> in fact, a number of global Tier-1 providers have preferred peers for decades

I assume you mean for a very limited subset of their customers?  I've checked 
routing on well over half the transit free networks on the planet, and for the 
small number of customers I was researching, they definitely preferred customer 
routes over peering.


On Sep 4, 2011, at 6:02 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

> [ http://archive.psg.com/110904.broadside.html ]
>       Do Not Complicate Routing Security with Voodoo Economics
>                             a broadside
> A recent NANOG presentation and SIGCOMM paper by Gill, Schapira, and
> Goldberg[1] drew a lot of 'discussion' from the floor.  But that
> discussion missed significant problems with this work.  I raise this
> because of fear that uncritical acceptance of this work will be used as
> the basis for others' work, or worse, misguided public policy.
> o The ISP economic and incentive model is overly naive to the point of
>   being misleading, 
> o The security threat model is unrealistic and misguided, and
> o The simulations are questionable.
> Basic ISP economics are quite different from those described by the
> authors.  Above the tail links to paying customers, the expenses of
> inter-provider traffic are often higher than the income, thanks to the
> telcos' race to the bottom.  In this counter-intuitive world, transit
> can often be cheaper than peering.  I.e. history shows that in the rare
> cases where providers have been inclined to such games, they usually
> shed traffic not stole it, the opposite of what the paper presumes.  The
> paper also completely ignores the rise of the content providers as
> described so well in SIGCOMM 2010 by Labovitz et alia[2]
> It is not clear how to ‘fix’ the economic model, especially as[3] says
> you can not do so with rigor.  Once one starts, e.g. the paper may lack
> Tier-N peering richness which is believed to be at the edges, we have
> bought into the game for which there is no clear end.
> But this is irrelevant, what will motivate deployment of BGP security is
> not provider traffic-shifting.  BGP security is, as its name indicates,
> about security, preventing data stealing (think banking
> transactions[4]), keeping miscreants from originating address space of
> others (think YouTube incident) or as attack/spam sources, etc.
> The largest obstacle to deployment of BGP security is that the
> technology being deployed, RPKI-based origin validation and later
> BGPsec, are based on an X.509 certificate hierarchy, the RPKI.  This
> radically changes the current inter-ISP web of trust model to one having
> ISPs' routing at the mercy of the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).
> Will the benefits of security - no more YouTube incidents, etc. - be
> perceived as worth having one's routing at the whim of an
> non-operational administrative monopoly?  Perhaps this is the real
> economic game here, and will cause a change in the relationship between
> the operators and the RIR cartel.
> The paper's simulations really should be shown not to rely on the
> popular but highly problematic3 Gao-Rexford model of inter-provider
> relationships, that providers prefer customers over peers (in fact, a
> number of global Tier-1 providers have preferred peers for decades), and
> that relationships are valley free, which also has significant
> exceptions.  Yet these invalid assumptions may underpin the simulation
> results.
> ---
> Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com>
> Dubrovnik,  2011.9.4
> [1] P. Gill, M. Schapira, and S. Goldberg, Let the Market Drive
> Deployment: A Strategy for Transitioning to BGP Security, SIGCOMM 2011,
> August 2011.
> http://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2011/papers/sigcomm/p14.pdf
> [2] [1] C. Labovitz, S. Iekel-Johnson, D. McPherson, J. Oberheide, and
> F. Jahanian, “Internet inter-domain traffic,” in SIGCOMM '10:
> Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2010 conference on SIGCOMM, 2010.
> [3] M. Roughan, W. Willinger, O. Maennel, D. Perouli, and R. Bush, 10
> Lessons from 10 Years of Measuring and Modeling the Internet's
> Autonomous Systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
> Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 1-12, Oct. 2011.
> https://archive.psg.com/111000.TenLessons.pdf
> [4] A. Pilosov, T. Kapela. Stealing The Internet An Internet-Scale Man
> In The Middle Attack, Defcon 16, August, 2008.
> http://www.defcon.org/images/defcon-16/dc16-presentations/defcon-16-pilosov-kapela.pdf

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