Once upon a time, Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org> said:
> There is nothing more dispiriting than "yeah sure, you can pull in that
> fibre cable, but only on condition that you remove it immediately after the
> [conference|meeting|whatever] is over.  We already have the Internet".

I would say the situation depends on the hotel and which person you talk
to.  I volunteer for one of the largest science fiction conventions, and
we take over 5 convention hotels for the con.  I set up networking for
our staff department's operations last year in one hotel, and initially
we couldn't get anywhere because it was iBAHN and demanding an auth code
on a captive web portal.  When we got somebody from the hotel to look,
he went into a closet around the corner and moved the wire, and we were
then on the hotel's "direct" network.

He then noticed I was running Linux, and we chatted about different
distributions, and while I was setting up my (probably not allowed)
wireless router, he showed back up with a box of cat5 and some ends (he
was going to run some additional wires around the room for us, but saw I
was running an AP and said "you're good, aren't you" and went on).

We also have fiber pulled between the 5 hotels for our video feed, and
that stays in place from year to year.
Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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