I understand and believe in the value of erasure coding, though I want to see 
the latency effects here.  But that model was very detailed view into an overly 
simple (to the point of operationally unrealistic) model.  Bad example, for a 
research paper.

George William Herbert
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 23, 2012, at 8:57 PM, "Michael Painter" <tvhaw...@shaka.com> wrote:

> George Herbert wrote:
>> Modeled with just simple FTP sessions?
>> Ugh: they admitted to having MIT backbone packet traces to analyze, and then 
>> used that simple of a simulator...
> The practical benefits of the technology, known as coded TCP, were seen on a 
> recent test run on a New York-to-Boston Acela train, notorious for poor 
> connectivity. By increasing their available bandwidth-the amount of data that 
> can be relayed in a given period of time-Medard and students were able to 
> watch blip-free YouTube videos while some other passengers struggled to get 
> online. "They were asking us 'How did you do that?' and we said 'We're 
> engineers!' " she jokes.
> More here:
> http://www.technologyreview.com/news/429722/a-bandwidth-breakthrough/?utm_campaign=newsletters&utm_source=newsletter-daily-all&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20121023

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