On Dec 20, 2012, at 9:26 PM, Charles N Wyble wrote:
> Zenoss works very well

Um... you lost me after the first 4 words. Zenoss might work acceptably for 
very, very small organizations with very small amounts of data. Zenoss is 
incapable of scaling to even moderate-sized data sets with tens of thousands of 
data sources, nevermind medium sized data sets with millions of data sources. I 
work at a very small shop with three total engineers and Zenoss was unable to 
scale beyond 1/4 of our data sources with dozens of cores and hundreds of 
gigabytes of RAM on numerous systems.  It doesn't actually use any of these, 
the internal deadlocks in the architecture make it impossible for it to scale.

That Zenoss might make a better IP management tool than what it is purported 
and sold to do... amuses.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : net philanthropy to improve open source and internet projects.

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