Can you set something up for the week of the 18th?

fredrik danerklint <> wrote:

>> The media market has fragmented, so unless we're talking about the first
>> week in February in the US it's not all from one source or 3 or 5.
>Explain further. I did not get that.
>> So far the most common delivery format for quad HD content online rings
>> in at around 20Mb/s so  you're not delivering that to 10Mb/s customer(s).
>Isn't 20 Mbit/s more than 10 Mbit/s? (If so, we're taking about
>10 000 customers * 20 Mbit/s = 200 000 Mbit/s or 200 Gbit/s).
>> On the other hand, two weekends ago I bought skyrim  on steam and it was
>> delivered, all 5.5GB of it in about 20 minutes. That's not instant
>> gratification but it's acceptable.
>About 40 - 50 Mbit/s. Not bad at all.
>Downloading software does not have to be in real-time, like watching
>a movie, does.

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